Cellular Automata FAQ

[Non-Java version]


  1. Molecular and biomolecular computing. IEEE Computer, 25(11), Nov 1992.

  2. Molecular and biomolecular computing. IEEE Egineering in Medicine and Biology, Feb-Mar 1994.

  3. Mark J Ablowitz, James M Keiser, and Leon A Takhtajan. Class of stable multistate time-reversible cellular automata with rich particle content. Physical Review A,Atomic, molecular, and opt, 44(10):6909, 1991.

  4. A. I Adamatskii. Complexity of identification of cellular automata. Automation and remote control, 53(9 p 2):1449, September 1992.

  5. A. I Adamatskii. Complexity of sequential realization of cellular automata maps. Automation and remote control, 55(2):271, February 1994.

  6. A. I Adamatskiy. Identification of probabilistic cellular automata. Soviet journal of computer and systems sciences, 30(3):118, May 1992.

  7. A. I Adamatskiy. Complexity of identifying asynchronous nonstationary cellular automata. Journal of Computer and Systems Science, 31(3):127, May 1993.

  8. Andrew I. Adamatzkii. Identification of Fuzzy Cellular Automata. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 25(6):72-76, 1991.

  9. A. I Adamatzky. Hierarchy of fuzzy cellular automata. Fuzzy sets and systems, 62(2):167, 1994.

  10. Andrew Adamatzky. Identification of Cellular Automata. Taylor and Francis, London, Bristol, 1994.

  11. Andrew I Adamatzky. Implantation of cellular automata. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 55(1):49, April 1993.

  12. E. D. Adamides, Ph. Tsalides, and A. Thanailakis. Hierarchical cellular automata structures. Parallel Computing, 18(5):517-524, May 1992.

  13. Roy Adler and Leopold Flatto. Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 25:229-334, 1991.

  14. V. S Afraimovich and M. A Shereshevskii. Topological dynamics of cellular automata. Selecta mathematica Sovietica, 11(4):355, 1992.

  15. Zvia Agur. Fixed points of majority rule cellular automata with application to plasticity and precision of the immune system. Complex Systems, 5(3):351-357, June 1991.

  16. Philipe Aigrain and Dani�le Beauquier. Polyomino tilings, cellular automata and codicity. Theoretical Computer Science, 147(1-2):165-180, 1995.

  17. V. Aladyev, A. Krasnoproshina, and V. Kryschanovskii. Unsolved theoretical problems in homogeneous structures. In G. Wolf, T. Legendi, and U. Schendel, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, pages 33-50. LNCS 342. Springer, October 1988.

  18. J. Albert and K. Culik II. A simple universal cellular automaton and its one-way and totalistic version. Complex Systems, 1:1-16, 1987.

  19. A. Albrecht. On simultaneous realizations of boolean functions, with applications. In G. Wolf, T. Legendi, and U. Schendel, editors, Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Parallel Proc. by CA and Arrays, pages 51-56. LNCS 342. Springer, October 1988.

  20. T. V Alekseyevskaya and A. G Malenkov. Mathematical model of the initiation of near weekly fluctuations in tissue (cellular automata). Biophysics, 36(2):356, 1991.

  21. Zoran Aleksic. Computation in inhomogenous celluar automata. In David Green and Terry Bossomaier, editors, Complex Systems: From Biology to Computation. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1993. anonymous ftp life.anu.edu.au: /pub/complex_systems/anu92/papers/aleksic.ps.

  22. N. M Allinson and M. J Sales. CART - A cellular automata research tool. Microprocessors and microsystems, 16(8):4093, 1992. The authors discuss the principles of cellular automata and present a detailed design of an expandable machine together with an example maze-solving program.

  23. P. Alstrom and J. Leao. Self-organized criticality in the 'game of life'. Physical Review E, 49(4), April 1994.

  24. A. S. Alves. Discrete Models of Fluid Dynamics. World Scientific, 1991.

  25. S. Amoroso and Y. N. Patt. Decision procedures for surjectivity and injectivity of parallel maps for tesselation structures. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, 6:448-464, 1972.

  26. R. Anderson and K. Bunas. Grain size segregation and stratigraphy in aeolian ripples modelled with a cellular automaton. Nature, 365:740-743, October 1993.

  27. I.L Anshel and Michael Anshel. From the post-markov theorem through decision problems to public-key cryptography. The American Mathematical Monthly, 100:835-844, 1993.

  28. K. Aoki and N. Mugibayashi. Cellular automata and coupled chaos developed in a lattice chain of N equivalent switching elements. Physics Letters A, 114:425, 1988.

  29. R. C. Backhouse and B. A. Carr�. Regular algebra applied to path-finding problems. Journal of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, 15:161-186, 1975.

  30. F Bagnoli, R Rechtman, and S Ruffo. Damage spreading and lyapunov exponents in cellular automata. Physics Letters A, 172(1 / 2):34, 1992.

  31. Franco Bagnoli, Raul Rechtman, and Stefano Ruffo. General algorithm for two-dimensional totalistic cellular automata. Journal of Computational Physics, 101(1):176, July 1992.

  32. Bak, Chen, and Creutz. Soc/game of life (??). Nature, 342:780, 1989.

  33. Robert Balzer. An 8-state minimal time solution to the firing squad synchronization problem. Information and Control, 10:22-42, 1967.

  34. O. L. Bandman and S. V. Piskunov. Parallel microprogramming as a tool for multi-microprocessor systems. In G. Wolf, T. Legendi, and U. Schendel, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, pages 57-72. LNCS 342. Springer, October 1988.

  35. E. R. Banks. Universality in cellular automata. In Proc. 11th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), pages 194-215, 1970.

  36. E. R. Banks. Information processing and transmission in cellular automata. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-81, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, January 1971. Price: $6.35.

  37. Edwin Roger Banks. Cellular automata. Technical Report AI Memo 198, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1970.

  38. Edwin Roger Banks. Universality in cellular automata. In Conference Record of 1970 Eleventh Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory, pages 194-215, Santa Monica, California, 1970. IEEE.

  39. Sergei N. Baranoff. Cellular automata on a personal computer. In euroForth '92 Conference Proceedings, pages 79-80, MPE Ltd., 133 Hill Lane, Southampton. SO1 5AF UK, October 1992. Forth Interest Group.

  40. A. M. Barbe. A CA ruled by an eccentric conservation law. Physica D, 45:49, 1990.

  41. D Barca, G. M Crisci, and S Di Gregorio. Cellular automata for simulating lava flows: A method and examples of the etnean eruptions. Transport theory and statistical physics, 23(1 / 3):195, 1994.

  42. Michael P. Barnett. Primitive string transformations as reductions to normal form. SIGPLAN Notices, 25(5):29-33, May 1990.

  43. Michael P. Barnett and Xu Rui. Infix to previx conversion as a PST reduction. SIGPLAN Notices, 25(5):34-38, May 1990.

  44. B Barral, H Chate, and P Manneville. Collective behaviors in a family of high-dimensional cellular automata. Physics Letters A, 163(4):279, 1992.

  45. Benoit Barriere and Donald L Turcotte. A scale invariant cellular automata model for distributed seismicity. Geophysical research Letters, 18(11):2011, November 1991.

  46. Bartlett and Garzon. Distribution of linear rules in cellular automata rule space. Complex Systems, 6, 1992.

  47. A. G. Barto. Cellular automata as models of natural systems. Technical report, Michigan, 1975.

  48. Rana Barua and S. Ramakrishnan. -game, -game and two-dimensional additive cellular automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 154(2):349-366, 1996. Mathematical Games.

  49. Michael Batty and Paul Longley. Fractal Cities. Academic Press, 1994. ISBN 0-12-455570-5.

  50. G. W Baxter and R. P Behringer. Cellular automata models for the flow of granular materials. Physica D, 51(1 / 3):465, August 1991.

  51. Coskun Bayrak, Ali H. Dogru, and Sukumarn V. S. Nair. The annotated bibliography on cellular automata. Technical Report 90-CSE-30, Southern Methodist University, 1990. price ($1.00).

  52. Carter Bays. The game of three dimensional life. Technical report, 1986. available as a supplement to A. K. Dewdney's February 1987 column.

  53. Carter Bays. Candidates for the game of life in three dimensions. Complex Systems, 1(2):373-400, April 1987.

  54. Carter Bays. Classification of semitotalistic cellular automata in three dimensions. Complex Systems, 2:235-254, 1987.

  55. Carter Bays. A note on the discovery of a new game of three-dimensional life. Complex Systems, 2:255-258, 1987.

  56. Carter Bays. Patterns for simple cellular automata in a universe of dense packed spheres. Complex Systems, 1(6):853-875, December 1987.

  57. Carter Bays. Classification of semitotalistic cellular automata in three dimensions. Complex Systems, 2(2):235-254, April 1988.

  58. Carter Bays. The discovery of a new glider in the game of three-dimensional life. Complex Systems, 4(6):599-602, December 1990.

  59. Carter Bays. A new game of three-dimensional life. Complex Systems, 5(1):15-18, February 1991.

  60. Carter Bays. 3D life (?). Complex Systems, 6(5):433-442, 1992.

  61. Carter Bays. A new candidate rule for the game of three-dimensional life. Complex Systems, 6:433-441, 1992.

  62. V. Beiu. VLSI arrays implementing parallel line-drawing algorithms. In G. Wolf, T. Legendi, and U. Schendel, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, pages 241-247. LNCS 342. Springer, October 1988.

  63. Bennett and Bourzutschy. Nature, 350:468, 1991.

  64. C. H. Bennett, T. Toffoli, and S. Wolfram. Cellular automata '86 conference. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TM-317, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, December 1986. Price: $6.00.

  65. S. A Berezner, M Krutina, and V. A Malyshev. Exponential convergence of toom's probabilistic cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 73(5 / 6):927, December 1993.

  66. R. Berger. The undecidability of the domino problem. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 66, 1966.

  67. Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, and Richard K. Guy. Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays, volume 2. Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-091152-3, 1982. chapter 25.

  68. Piotr Berman and Janos Simon. Investigations of fault-tolerant networks of computers. In Proc. of the 20-th Annual ACM Symp. on the Theory of Computing, pages 66-77, 1988.

  69. H. Bersini and V. Detours. Asynchrony induces stability in cellular automata based models. In Brooks, R. A, Maes, and Pattie, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems , pages 382-387. MIT Press, July 1994.

  70. S. C Bhargava, Arun Kumar, and A Mukherjee. A stochastic cellular automata model of innovation diffusion. Technological forecasting and social change, 44(1):87, August 1993.

  71. M. Biafore. Few-body cellular automata. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-597, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, December 1993. Price: $13.75.

  72. M Biafore. Cellular automata for nanometer-scale computation. Physica D, 70(4):415, 1994.

  73. Iwo Bialynicki-Birula. Weyl, dirac, and maxwell equations on a lattice as unitary cellular automata. Physical Review, 49(12):6920, 1994.

  74. Roger Bidaux, Nino Boccara, and Hugues Chate. Order of the transition versus space dimension in a family of cellular automata. Physical Review A, 39(6):3094-3105, 1989.

  75. P. M. Binder. Topological classification of cellular automata. Journal of Physics A 24, pages L31-5, 1991.

  76. P.-M. Binder. unknown. J. Phys. A, 24(L21), 1991.

  77. P.-M. Binder. Parametric ordering of complex systems. Physical Review E, 1993.

  78. P. M. Binder. A phase diagram for elementary cellular automata. Complex Systems, 7:241-7, 1993.

  79. P. M. Binder. (anti),table points and the dynamics of extended systems. Physics Letters 187A, pages 167-70, 1994.

  80. P. M. Binder. Parametric ordering of complex systems. Physical Review E 49, pages 2023-5, 1994.

  81. P. M. Binder. Domains and synchronization in high-dimensional cellular automata. Physical Review E 51, pages R839-40, 1995.

  82. P.-M Binder, B Buck, and V. A Macaulay. Time-series analysis of a collective variable in high-dimensional cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 68(5 / 6):1127, September 1992.

  83. P. M Binder, D. Y. K Ko, and A. L Owczarek. Ordered cellular automata in one dimension. Journal de physique, 3(1):21, January 1993.

  84. P. M. Binder and V. Privman. Second-order dynamics in the collective temporal evolution of complex systems. Physical Review Letters, 68:3830-3, 1992.

  85. Philippe Binder, Carole Twining, and David Sherrington. Phase-space study of bistable cellular automata. Complex Systems, 5(2):127-138, April 1991.

  86. George D. Birkhoff. Dynamical Systems. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 1927.

  87. Ph Blanchard and D Gandolfo. Cellular automata approach to site percolation on Z2. A numerical study. Journal of Statistical Physics, 73(1 / 2):399, October 1993.

  88. A Bobenko, M Bordemann, and C Gunn. On two integrable cellular automata. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 158(1):127, 1993.

  89. N. Boccara, E. Goles, S. Martinez, and P. Picco. Cellular Automata and Cooperative Phenomena. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.

  90. N. Boccara, J. Nasser, and M. Roger. Annihilation of defects during the evolution of some one-dimensional class-3 deterministic cellular automata. Europhysics Letters, 13(6):489, 1990.

  91. N. Boccara, J. Nasser, and M. Roger. Particle-like structures and interactions in spatio-temporal patterns generated by one-dimensional determinsitic cellular automaton rules. Physical Review A, 44, July 1991.

  92. R. J. De Boer and P. Hogeweg. Growth and recruitment in the immune network. In A. F. Perelson and G. Weisbuch, editors, Theoretical and Experimental Insights into Immunology, volume 66, pages 223-247. Springer Verlag, New York, 1992.

  93. B. M. Boghosian. Cellular automata simulation of two-phase flow on the CM-2 connection machine computer. Technical Report TR-19 CA88-1, Thinking Machines Corporation, 1988. (Appeared in Supercomputing 88, Vol. II:Science and Applications, J. L. Martin and S. F.Lundstrom, eds.: IEEE Computer Society Press [1989]: pp. 34-44.).

  94. B. M. Boghosian. Deterministic cellular automata with diffusive behavior. Technical Report TR-15 CA90-1, Thinking Machines Corporation, 1989. (Appeared in Cellular Automata and Modeling of Complex Physical Systems, P. Manneville, N. Boccara, G. Y.Vichniac, and R. Bidaux, eds. Berlin: Springer-Verlag[1989]: pp. 118-129.).

  95. Bruce M Boghosian. Lattice gases illustrate the power of cellular automata in physics. Computers in Physics, 5(6):585, November 1991.

  96. Jean Pierre Boon. Lattice gas automata: Theory, simulation, implementation. Journal of Statistical Physics, 68(3/4), 1992.

  97. K. Bouazza, J. Champeau, P. Ng, B. Pottier, and S. Rubini. Experimental cellular automata on the ArMen machine. In P. Quinton and Y. Robert, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures II, pages 317-322, Bonas, France, June 1991. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

  98. S. Boubezari and B. Kaminska. Cellular automata synthesis based on pre-computed test vectors for built-in self-test. In M. Lightner, editor, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, pages 578-585. IEEE Computer Society Press, November 1993.

  99. G. Braga, G. Cattaneo, P. Flocchini, and C. Quaranta Vogliotti. Pattern growth in elementary cellular automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 145(1-2):1-26, 1995. Fundamental Study.

  100. Maury Bramson and Claudia Neuhauser. Survival of one-dimensional cellular automata under random perturbations. The annals of probability, 22(1):244, January 1994.

  101. A Brass, R. K Grencis, and K. J Else. A cellular automata model for helper T cell subset polarization in chronic and acute infection. Journal of theoretical biology, 166(2):189, 1994.

  102. X. Breckling. unknown. Ecological Modeling, 63(13-27):13-27, 1993.

  103. L Brieger and E Bonomi. Cellular automata-lattice gas models for PDE's. Computer Physics Communications, 73(1 / 3):47, December 1992.

  104. John Briggs and F. David Peat. An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness. Harper & Row, New York, 1989.

  105. R Brito and M. H Ernst. Propagating staggered waves in cellular automata fluids. Journal of Physics A, 24(14):3331, 1991.

  106. R. Brito, M. H. Ernst, and T. R. Kirkpatrick. Staggered diffusivities in lattice gas cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 62(1 / 2):283, 1991.

  107. A Broggi, V d'Andrea, and G Destri. Cellular automata as a computational model for low-level vision. International Journal of modern physics C, 4(1):5, February 1993.

  108. Brown. Competition of cellular automata rules. Complex Systems, 1, 1987.

  109. M Bruschi and P. M Santini. Cellular automata in 1+1, 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions, constants of motion and coherent structures. Physica D, 70(1 / 2):185, January 1994.

  110. M Bruschi, P. M Santini, and O Ragnisco. Integrable cellular automata. Physics Letters A, 169(3):151, 1992.

  111. L Le Bruyn and M Van Den Bergh. Algebraic properties of linear cellular automata. Linear algebra and its applications, 157:217, November 1991.

  112. Janusz A. Brzozowski. Derivatives of regular expressions. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 11:481-494, 1964.

  113. David J. Buckingham. Some facts of life. Byte, 3(12): 54-67, December 1978.

  114. L. A Bunimovich and S. E Troubetzkoy. Recurrence properties of lorentz lattice gas cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 67(1 / 2):289, April 1992.

  115. L. A Bunimovich and S. E Troubetzkoy. Rotators, periodicity, and absence of diffusion in cyclic cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 74(1 / 2):1, January 1994.

  116. Burks. Programming and the theory of automata. In Essays on Cellular Automata, ed. Arthur W. Burks, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Chicago, London. 1970.

  117. Burks. Von neumann's self-reproducing automata. In Essays on Cellular Automata, ed. Arthur W. Burks, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Chicago, London. 1970.

  118. A. W. Burks. Essays on Cellular Automata. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1970.
    A classic collection of papers on cellular automata intended as a companion to von Neumann's Theory of Self Reproducing Automata
    []. Includes papers by Burks, Thatcher, Moore, Myhill, Ulam, and Holland.

  119. A. W. Burks. Cellular automata and natural systems. In W. D. Keidel, W. H�ndler, and M. Spreng, editors, Cybernetics and Bionics, pages 190-204, Munich, 1974. R. Oldenbourg.
    Cellular Automata as a useful bridge between natural systems and formal computational systems.

  120. Arthur W. Burks. Essays on Cellular Automata. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL, USA, 1970. A classic collection of papers on cellular automata intended as a companion to von Neumann's Theory of Self Reproducing Automata []. Includes papers by Burks, Thatcher, Moore, Myhill, Ulam, and Holland.

  121. Butler. A note on cellular automata simulations. Information and Computation (formerly Information and Control), 26, 1974.

  122. J. T. Butler. Analysis of cellular automata growth models. In Proceedings of 1978 ACM Computer Science Conference, Detroit Michigan, Feb. 1978, New York, 1978. Association for Computing Machinery.

  123. Jon T. Butler. Synthesis of one-dimensional binary cellular automata systems from composite local maps. Information and Control, 43(3):304-326, December 1979.

  124. E. Caianello and M. Marinaro. Linearization and synthesis of cellular automata. the additive case. Physica Scripta, 34:444, 1986.

  125. E. R. Caianiello and M. Marinaro. Neural nets and cellular automata. In I. E. J. D. Becker, editor, Proceedings of a Workshop on Parallel Processing : Logic, Organization and Technology (WOPPLOT 86), pages 198-205. LNCS 253. Springer, July 1986.

  126. M. Cannataro, S. Di Gregorio, R. Rongo, W. Spataro, G. Spezzano, and D. Talia. Parallel cellular automata environment on multicomputers for modeling and simulation. Parallel Computing, submitted. ftp from crai.it: /pub/TR/talia bin/CAMEL.ps.Z.

  127. A. Canning and E. Droz. A comparison of spin exchange and CA models for diffusion-controlled reactions. Physica D, 45:285, 1990.

  128. H. C. Card, A. Thanailakis, W. Pries, and R. D. McLeod. Analysis of bounded linear cellular automata based on a method of image charges. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 33:473-480, 1986.

  129. J. M. Carrera, E. J. Martinez, S. A. Fernandez, and J. M. Chaus. Architecture of a FPGA-based coprocessor: The PAR-1. In D. A. Buell and K. L. Pocek, editors, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, pages 20-29, Napa, CA, April 1995.

  130. K. Cattell and M. Serra. The analysis of one dimensional multiple-valued linear cellular automata. In G. Epstein, editor, Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, pages 402-409. IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1990.

  131. F. Celada and P. E. Seiden. A computer model of cellular interactions in the immune system. Immun-t, 13:56-62, 1992.

  132. A. Cerny. Generating words by cellular automata. In A. Tarlecki, editor, Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. (MFCS '91), pages 113-120. LNCS 520. Springer, September 1991.

  133. J. Champeau, L. Le Pape, B. Pottier, S. Rubini, E. Gautrin, and L. Perraudeau. Flexible parallel FPGA-based architectures with armen. In T. N. Mudge and B. D. Shriver, editors, Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh Hawaii Internation Conference on Systems Science, pages 105-13, Wailea, HI, 1994. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press.

  134. H. Chate and P. Maneville. Evidence of collective behavior in cellular automata. Europhysics Letters, 14:409-413, 1991.

  135. H. Chate and P. Manneville. Criticality in CA. Physica D, 45:122, 1990.

  136. H. Chat� and P. Manneville. Collective behaviors in spatially extended systems with local interactions and synchronous updating. Progress of Theoretical Physics, 87:1-60, 1992.

  137. H. Chat� and P Manneville. Emergence of effective low-dimensional dynamics in the macroscopic behaviour of coupled map lattices. Europhysics Letters, 17:291-296, 1992.

  138. Hugues Chat� and Paul Manneville. Coupled map lattices as cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 56:357-370, 1989.

  139. H. F Chau and K. S Cheng. Does spatial scaling imply temporal scaling in sandpile type cellular automata? Physics Letters A, 170(3):195, 1992.

  140. K. Cheung, L. Atlas, and R. Marks II. Synchronous vs asynchronous behavior of hopfield's CAM neural net. Appl. Optics, 26:4808-13, 1987.

  141. Choffrut and Culik. On real-time cellular automata and trellis automata. Acta Informatica, 21, 1984.

  142. C. Choffrut and K. Culik II. On real-time cellular automata and trellis automata. Acta Informatica, 21:393-407, 1984.

  143. Christian Choffrut, editor. Automata networks: LITP Spring School on theoretical computer science, Argeles-village, France, May 12-16, 1986: proceedings, volume 316 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, New York, NY, USA, 1988. Springer-Verlag Inc.

  144. Noam Chomsky. Three models for the description of language. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-2:113-124, 1956.

  145. Noam Chomsky. On certain formal properties of grammars. Information and Control, 1:137-167, 1958.

  146. Noam Chomsky. Formal properties of grammars. In Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, volume 2, pages 323-418. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1963.

  147. Noam Chomsky and George A. Miller. Finite state languages. Information and Control, 1:91-112, 1958.

  148. B. Chopard. A cellular automata model of large-scale moving objects. Journal of Physics A, 23(10):1671, 1990.

  149. Bastien Chopard, Pascal Luthi, and Michel Croz. Reaction-diffusion cellular automata model for the formation of liesegang patterns. Physical Review Letters, 72(9):1384, 1994.

  150. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer. Systematics of the models of the immune response and the autoimmune response. Journal of Statistical Physics, 59:1019-1042, 1990.

  151. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer. Statistical physics of immune networks. Physica A, 186: 1-2:61-81, 1992.

  152. D. R. Chowdhury, S. Chakraborty, B. Vamsi, and P. P. Chaudhuri. Cellular automata based synthesis of easily and fully testable FSMs. In M. Lightner, editor, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, pages 650-653. IEEE Computer Society Press, November 1993.

  153. D. Roy Chowdhury, S Basu, and I. Sen Gupta. Design of CAECC - cellular automata based error correcting code. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 43(6):759, June 1994.

  154. D. Roy Chowdhury, I. Sen Gupta, and Pal Chaudhuri. Cellular automata based pattern generator for testing RAM. IEE proceedings.E,Computers and digital tech, 139(6):469, November 1992.

  155. D. Roy Chowdhury, I Sengupta, and P. Pal Chaudhuri. Built-in self-test. Journal of electronic testing, 5(1):67, February 1994. A class of two-dimensional cellular automata and their applications in random pattern testing.

  156. D. Roy Chowdhury, P Subbarao, and P. Pal Chaudhuri. Characterization of two-dimensional cellular automata using matrix algebra. Information sciences, 71(3):289, July 1993.

  157. Kim Christensen, Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen, and Hans C Fogedby. Dymanical and spatial aspects of sandpile cellular automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 63(3 / 4):653, May 1991.

  158. S. K Chung and H. F Chau. On the structure of absolute steady states in sandpile type of cellular automata: The geometrical aspect. Journal of mathematical physics, 34(9):4014, September 1993.

  159. Valerio Cimagalli and Marco Balsi. Cellular neural networks: a review. Prooceedings of the Sixth Italian Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Neural Networks, Vietri sul Mare, Italia, May 12-14, World Scientific (E. Caianiello, ed.), 1993.

  160. Gerardo Cisneros and Harold V. McIntosh. Technical report, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 1986.

  161. Clementi and Impagliazzo. Graph theory and interactive protocols for reachability problems on finite cellular automata. In Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, 1994.

  162. A. Clementi and P. Pierini. Computational complexity of the finite cellular automata reversibility problem. In Fourth Italian Conference of Theoretical Computer. World scientific, 1992.

  163. Paul Cockshott, George McCaskill, and Peter Barrie. Use of a high speed cellular automata machine to simulate road traffic. Technical Report HDV-27-93, Department of Computer Science, University of Strathclyde, 1993.

  164. E. F. Codd. Cellular Automata. Academic Press, New York, 1968.
    Codd's PhD thesis in which he details an 8-state, self-reproducing, universal computer/constructor.

  165. Codenotti and Margara. Transitive cellular automata are sensitive. AMM: The American Mathematical Monthly, 103, 1996.

  166. R. L Colasanti and J. P Grime. Resource dynamics and vegetation processes: a deterministic model using two-dimensional cellular automata. Functional ecology, 7(2):169, 1993.

  167. J. H. Conway. Regular Algebra and Finite Machines. Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, 1971. ISBN 412-10620-5.

  168. R. Cordovil, R. Dil�o, and A. N. da Costa. Periodic orbits for additive cellular automata. Discrete Comput. Geom., 1:277-288, 1986.

  169. R. Cori and Y. M�tivier. Approximation of a trace, asynchronous automata and the ordering of events in a distributed system. In Proceedings of the 15th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'88), number 317 in LNCS, pages 147-161. Springer, 1988.

  170. Robert Cori, Yves Metivier, and Wieslaw Zielonka. Asynchronous mappings and asynchronous cellular automata. Information and computation, 106(2):159, October 1993.

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