From: Mark Line <>
From: (Kyeongmo S Park --KP)

> Does anyone have any references for uses of GP or GA in image > processing?

The (British) IEE held a colloquium on "GA in Image Processing &

Vision" last October. A Digest is available for sale from

   Publication Sales Department


   Michael Faraday House
   Six Hills Way
   Herts SG1 2SD

   Phone: +44-1438-313311
   Fax: +44-1438-742792   
Also, here's something I extracted recently from the GA-list archives (v8n10):
   Several months ago, I posted a request for information
on Genetic Algorithms in the area of Image Processing and
Computer Vision through the GA-List network.

Below is a list of references (including what I gathered). This biliography contains some references on applications of Machine Learning and Optimization techniques to the IP & CV problems. I am thankful to those who kindly replied to my request. I hope that the information will be helpful to interested parties.

--K.S. Park

 < Genetic Algorithms in Image Processing and Computer Vision >

Bir Bhanu, Sungkee Lee, and John Ming,
Self-Optimizing Image Segmentation System Using a Genetic Algorithm,


Arnold C. Englander,
Machine Learning of Visual Recognition using Genetic Algorithms,


Gerhard Roth and Martin D. Levine,
Genetic Algorithm for Primitive Extraction,


Stewart W. Wilson, Adaptive Cortical Pattern Recognition,


Darrell Whitley, Applying Genetic Algorithms to Neural Network Learning,
Robotics Neural Networks and Vision, 1989.
D. Whitley, K. Mathias and P. Fitzhorn,
Delta Coding: An Iterative Search Strategy for Genetic Algorithms,


R. Cucchiara,
Analysis and Comparison of Different Genetic Models for the Clustering
Problem in Image Analysis,


J. Michael Fitzpatrick, John J. Grefenstette, and Dirk Van\ Gucht,
Image Registration by Genetic Search,
Proc. of IEEE Southeastcon '84, Apr. 1984.

J. M. Fitzpatrick, David R. Pickens\ III, Venkat R. Mandava, and

John J. Grefenstette,
The Reduction of Motion Artifacts in Digital Subtratcion
Angiography by Geometrical Image Transformation,
SPIE Medical Imaging II, Jan.31-Feb.5, 1988.
John J. Grefenstette and J. M. Fitzpatrick,
Genetic Search with Approximate Function Evaluations,


A. M. Gillies
Machine Learning Procedures for Generating Image Domain Feature
Ph.D. Diss. Univ Michigan, 1985.
Andrew M. Gillies
Machine Learning Procedure for Generating Image Domain Feature
Structure Elements
Patent, United States, No. 4821333, 11 APR 1989.

Vemkat R. Mandava, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, and David R. Pickens\ III

Adaptive Search Space Scaling in Digital Image Registration
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 1988.
Alaster D. McAulay and Jae Chan Oh
Image Learning Classifier System Using Genetic Algorithms


V. R. Mandava, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, and David R. Pickens,
Adaptive Search Space Scaling in Digital Image Registration

IEEETMI 8(3), SEPT 1989.

Walter Alden Tackett,
Genetic Generation of "Dendritic" Trees for Image Classification,


Walter Alden Tackett,
Genetic Programming for Feature Discovery and Image Discrimination


Ellie Baker,
Evolving Line Drawings,


Frank Rolland, et. al.,
Graph Matching for 3D Reconstruction from Serial Cross-sections
using Simulated Annealing,

SCIA '91.

S. M. Bhandarkar and Y. Zhang,
A Genetic Algorithm-based Edge Detection Technique,
P. Andrey and P. Tarroux,
Unsupervised image segmentation using a distributed genetic algorithm, To appear Pattern Recognition.